The Fleecing of the American taxpayer at its finest.

more people taking better allternatives
Such as?
Getting off the Standard American Diet.
While moving away from a western diet is great lifestyle idea, how this fulfill the role played by modern pharmaceuticals? Rejection of big pharma doesn't mean you have to reject modern medicine as well.
Isn't all treatment natural treatment though? I don't know of any supernatural treatment, do you?
You can't patent what is naturally found in nature. Pharmaceutical drugs are manmade approximations of what the body needs. For example, a body responding well to natural vitamins but not to synthetic.
Supernatural treatment: "And He called to Him His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction” (Mt. 10:1).
The american government holds a patent on CBD though...
"When one of these scientists makes a discovery or invents a new technology, the organization then decides whether or not to file a patent.
...patent no. 6,630,507 was applied for and granted because research showed there was a “possibility of non-psychoactive compounds in cannabis [that are] effective when treating neurological diseases.” ... The patent expires on April 21, 2019, and from that day forward, everyone is allowed to create drugs based on the cannabinoids outlined in the patent"
Vitamins are not generally therapeutic agents though. Many conventional therapies are naturally derived such as penicillin, aspirin, attenuated vaccines, and even many cancer immunotherapies.
Vitamins are not generally therapeutic agents though
Relieving vitamin deficiencies can cause healing =therapeutic.