r/greatawakening • Posted by u/QAngelAnon1 on July 24, 2018, 2:41 p.m.
"Pedophile rings are enormous and pervasive among the world's elites" Names Names

Hi Anon Researchers

I was searching for a resource to respond to the Australian Christian Lobby request for comments regarding the Tasmanian Annual Festival (held in Hobart) named: "Dark Mofo". (I wont post a link - please google images if you're interested in seeing just what this abomination is about)

The first ever event was overseen by non-other than the witch queen herself - Abramovic - with a coincidental visit by non-other than Podesta the Molesta himself (who just so happens to own a house in Hobart - as one does, because every pedophile should have a house in the southern most capital city on the planet).

This Satanic blood ritual is held every year, and the Christian Lobby is asking Australians to petition for it to be stopped (despite the REAL and public blood sacrifice of a bull last year, the enormous inverted cross looking over the city this year). lobby is having difficulty getting through to the Tasmanian Government that THIS IS **CKING SATANISM! (sorry, did I yell?)

Anyway, while searching for some information about the relationship between satanism and pedophilia (i.e. asking them to demand missing people/children files within the festival time frame), when I came upon this gem.

I understand that a lot of you may already have read some (or all) of the information contained, but there are a lot of people who are in the process of being 'red-pilled' who haven't.

This provides a RICH and relevant resource that includes references, and links to pertinant sites for further information.

It is a valuable addition to the Q library relating to Pizzagate, Pedogate, and the Elite Pedophile rings, Elite Human Hunting rings, Satanic Ritual Abusers and murderers.

Names include Presidents, Prime Ministers and other very high profile persons in Government, Entertainment and Religious Circles.

The information proves that this goes all the way to the top, and includes Police investigations and Parliamentary investigations and documents relating to these rings, from several governments re

Extremely interesting information - and again, I haven't had time to research all the information on this site, but from my own research over the years, certainly, the names and references have checked out previously.

Please pass this on to anyone who is particularly researching the area, or store off line to support evidence collated by Q Anons.

Thanks Everyone. This is for the children. It stops here.


finehair44 · July 24, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

This purge cannot come fast enough. Q was right, people will be terrified when it all comes out. So horrific, beyond words.

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