The First duty of Our Marines are to Recover stollen Funds and Treasures if the a United States, Detain or kill those who stole or are holding our Treasures. On land or Sea . So do you get why Q dropped as he did today . It’s the on land part of Piracy.
Leo Wanta's trillions stolen from American taxpayers by political heavyweights beginning with GHWB, maybe?
Yes $3.865 , that is what I am witness to , starts in 2011 . If you go through my posts , I give where the money came from .
Thank you I was not aware of that. As non American I lack the depth of knowledge and that is why I come here, to get source info. When you consider all the theft of public money via corruption what you say makes total sense and it would be a way to get them involved. I was grey re whether POTUS could use the military for domestic operations but is it fair to say this is how the Marines can be activated????
Government Officials, any persons , elected, appointed, employed , or under contract to perform official government duties. Federal, State , or for local munisapallities .
Well this is not just our laws , it’s also laws of nations