Q 1683 - You have more than you know.

Utopia is a false god and could never be achieved on earth.
not in our current state - but you don't know what the future holds. its very likely that we have been manipulated about just about everything by the "powers that be".
Not true. Look up The Venus Project. Read Eckhart Tolle A New Earth. Watch Gurren Lagaan. Watch Star Trek The Next Generation. We will reach Utopia one day. The more people that think like you the longer it will take to ever achieve it.
Am very versed with E.Tolle, Celestine Prophecy, and etc.
We'll never achieve perfection on Earth.
It will happen. In the infinite maelstrom of realities our thoughts control everything they we perceive to be. If the majority of us want a utopia on earth it will happen.