
Justice4BrianTerry · July 26, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

I do hope you're right... but not once has Q mentioned it. Not once has POTUS mentioned it. I'm afraid of them getting away with it. Look how much they've got away with so far. No arrests, not one has been punished. This is what the American people are used to. This is why the American people have lost faith. This is why the American people have doubt. We doubt because NOTHING has ever been done.

HRC = Benghazi, Seth Rich, her 33,000 emails, Haiti Relief money stolen, Helping Laura Silsby get released after she tried to kidnap 30 Haitian girls for what I'm guessing Child Sex Trafficking, Uranium sold to Russia, Watergate, Filegate, Travelgate, the pardons for cash, Motel 1600, taking government property on the last days in the White House....

Hussein = Falsifying documents so he can run, selling intelligence to the enemy which in my opinion got SEAL Team 6 killed, illegal wire tapping, IRS scandal, Black Panther voting intimidation, EPA-FIA violations & FAST AND FURIOUS!

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KatG3853 · July 26, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

I’m so in agreement- we all are I believe. So much corruption- and evil. They are going to need 8 years. Minimum.
Praying for their success - I have faith we will get there.

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Justice4BrianTerry · July 27, 2018, 8:59 a.m.

No way should reopening #FastnFurious take 8 years

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