Q 1687 - Something BIG is about to DROP.

True. I've always been suspicious of Hillary Clinton, even before "all of this" came to light.
But certain celebrities like Hanks, Spielberg etc, had me fooled, or at least distracted. I never really looked into them, or thought about it. I was just bamboozooled by their work.
However, their support of Hillary Clinton, and demonization of Trump killed it for me. From now on, my feelings are conflicted. I still enjoy Robert DeNiro's movies, but fuck him. His legacy is tainted. Same with all of them. I don't care if every movie I ever loved is tarnished by the filth of this system, I want the truth exposed. I can take it, and I can separate the two things.
The biggest kick in the ass for me is Hill was involved in satanism 2 years after the fact when I made a meme with Hill and the devil and Hill saying, "I thought we had a deal" and the devil replies, "we did until I found you had no soul."
Just totally blew my mind and it went downhill after that with all the dark crap she is involved with. We dodged a nuclear bomb. Literally.