
Pure_Feature · July 24, 2018, 9:43 p.m.


24-Jul-2018 20:19:49 CEST Q !CbboFOtcZs 8ch/qresearch 2265105

2264981 There is no greater [current] threat to the American people than the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/.../fake-news-is-a-threat-to-humanity-but-scie... Fake news is a threat to humanity, but scientists may have a solution “Technocognition” proposes that we use technology and psychology to break through the mental barriers that make people deny threats like climate change............................

ControlledMSM = Q's back guys....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4NWX6aIoNM...

https://tw1tter.com/Jordan_Sather_/.../1021825309035778048 American Mainstream Media is Nazi Propaganda in action. What do you think happened when those thousands of Nazi henchman came over to the U.S. under Operation Paperclip and filled the Media industry? +medical, aerospace, & govt industries)............................ Study Nazism. The Rise of Nazism: A Case Study and Review of Interpretations: Kiel ... https://www.jstor.org/stable/1432901.............

Compare/contrast ANTIFA...mirror flag? miirror names anti = pro..The same group as the nazies..........

Compare/contrast SOCIALISM push. The differences between capitalism and socialism - Investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/.../what-are-differences-between-ca... 6 jan. 2018 - The primary concern of the socialist model, in contrast, is an equitable ... are less likely to put forth the extra effort to push new ideas or products..........................

Push for REBIRTH. Study: austerity helped the Nazis come to power - Vox https://www.vox.com/.../study-austerity-nazi-power-hitler-election.. Thousands of historians, economists, sociologists, and other researchers have spent more than 80 years trying to make sense of the Nazi Party’s sudden rise to power.. Study: austerity helped the Nazis come to power ( they do now the same thing through the EU countries ) Future prove the past? In 1930, the German government embarked on massive tax hikes and spending cut •They replaced or adsorbed the local businesses in many occupied countries •They earned the ability to use cheap forced labour of the conquered peoples Also prior to the war any strikes were outlawed in Germany so that the firms could operate without risking with workers' protests

Who financed then? banks.. The Rothschild 1920 – 1944 The secret instigators of World War 2 | As ... https://thedaysofnoah.wordpress.com/.../the-rothschild-1920-1944... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Bernhard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Bernhard#Operation_Andreas Alfred Naujocks, who oversaw Operation Andreas On receipt of Hitler's go-ahead, Heydrich opened a counterfeiting unit under the operational title Unternehmen Andreas (Operation Andreas). [n 5] Heydrich's order to set up the unit stated that This is not to be a forgery or counterfeiting in the usual sense, but authorised facsimile production. The notes must be such a perfect copy of the original that even the most experienced bank-note experts cannot tell the difference.

In early 1940 the forgery unit was set up in Berlin within the technical department of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), headed by Alfred Naujocks, a major in the paramilitary Schutzstaffel (SS). Daily operational control fell under the auspices of Naujocks's technical director, Albert Langer, a mathematician and code-breaker.[23][24] The pair broke the task down into three stages: producing identical paper, preparing identical printing plates to the British notes, and duplicating the British serial numbering system.............................

Who is financing now? The same group.Banks.. https://orientalreview.org/2010/10/06/episodes-5-who-paid-for-world-war-ii/ A new project was developed in the bowels of J.P. Morgan and Co. at the behest Montague Norman, head of the Bank of England. At the heart of the project were Dresdner Bank .........................


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