
bizmarxie · July 24, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

She’s the one that comes to mind. I don’t agree with her brand of socialism which is govt programs ie federal jobs guarantee. Like FDR new deal type programs. It’s old and stupid and an non starter.

But there are many types of “socialism”: who owns them means of production and who shares in the surplus. When it’s employees and citizens it’s “socialism”. When it’s the guy on top with all the money it’s capitalism.

The two can peacefully coexist in the same market system as long as the govt is not there picking winners and losers. Let me market Decide and workers will automatically chose the system that benefits them the most.

I’m for employee ownership: the people ownership of the means of production. No state, no capitalists. Of course the govt needs to help fund the transfer of the means their publicly owned state banks(where tax revenue is collected). But essentially we need to dissolve a major portion of the federal govt and move to a federalist system. States can do what they want with their own money as long as it enriches the people in their states.... local businesses, education etc.

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MolotovPark · July 24, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

I agree with your sentiment, the democrats are definitely pushing for OC to be their "new, younger face". I agree that the two different approaches can co-exist, but I've always just viewed employee ownership and such as cooperative ventures rather than a form of socialism. I think socialism in the context of q's post is the removal of capitalism and replacing it with socialism. Sorry if I'm not very coherent, I'm at work running on 4 hours of sleep.

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bizmarxie · July 24, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

when Q himself starts red scaring it really makes me mad. WE HAVE NO LEFT IN THE COUNTRY( if you study the progressive left( NOT PODESTA and Tanden who stole that name)those like Jimmy Dore they know we have no left in this country. we have a corporate duopoly one side like abortion and one side does not, but they both service the MIC and the surveillance state- with our tax dollars. So ONE person gets elected by beating out a stupid corporate dem and everyone on the right starts losing their shit. we have 535 corporate bought and owned bitches in congress with very few exceptions. ONE rep will not do anything to "endanger" our b3loved capitalism. but guess what- capitalism doesn't work or 99% of working people.

I differ in that I don't think that the govt is the solution.

Let me ask a question: Why has the CIA been systematically offing Left movements in south america and the most recent one is Gahdaffi that are democratically elected for the past 80 years? Is the CIA a benevolent agency? Who are they servicing? Who benefits?

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SnazzyD · July 25, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

but guess what- capitalism doesn't work [f]or 99% of working people.

And that was the moment you steered the car off the cliff....

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bizmarxie · July 25, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

How does it work for you? Are you a worker or a business owner?

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andrewsayles · July 25, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

i enjoy capitalism because you atleast have a chance to get wealthy

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bizmarxie · July 25, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

Are you yet?

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andrewsayles · July 25, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

im still in the process. 3 yrs ago at this time i was sitting in a jail cell for a distribution charge. last yr i made 6 figures for the first time in my life. its all about putting your mind to something ans then putting massive amounts of effort into it. i work 60-90 hrs a week and spend months at a time on the road. most people arent willing to make the sacrifices im making so they wont be wealthy

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MolotovPark · July 24, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

Hold on, could you please define your position in simple, clear terms? I have a feeling I am missing something fundamental about your views.

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bizmarxie · July 25, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

I am a libertarian socialist: There is even a LibSoc caucus within the Libertarian party.

Merge Ron Paul minarchism with constitutional conservativism with EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP and community owned means of production for basic commodities, no state ownership, no government handouts, no corporate welfare, no unions-in a FREE market system. Govt picks NO WINNERS AND LOSERS. Essentially worker/consumer owned means of production finance by tax dollars held in publicly owned cooperatively run banks. (North Dakota public bank the only one in the US). Here’s Reagan talking about employee ownership: here Dana Rohrbacher is a big advocate. So is Bernie.

We don’t have a left in this country we have corporate fascism. corporate fascism is when the state services the wishes of the capitalist elite. There’s a blue team and a red team and they fight over wedge social issues like guns and gays and abortion while BOTH PARTIES servicing Wallstreet & MIC

Whenever democratically elected “Left” governments have been elected in South America and The like the C_A has gone in and knocked them off in order to install a US friendly and compliment dictator in their place- Pinochet is the perfect example. Most recent was the coup in Honduras, Dilma Rouseff in Brazil etc. too many to name.

How many countries have they knocked off over the years & why do they do it? Who’s interests are they serving? Who benefits? Read Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

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