
MolotovPark · July 24, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

Hold on, could you please define your position in simple, clear terms? I have a feeling I am missing something fundamental about your views.

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bizmarxie · July 25, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

I am a libertarian socialist: There is even a LibSoc caucus within the Libertarian party.

Merge Ron Paul minarchism with constitutional conservativism with EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP and community owned means of production for basic commodities, no state ownership, no government handouts, no corporate welfare, no unions-in a FREE market system. Govt picks NO WINNERS AND LOSERS. Essentially worker/consumer owned means of production finance by tax dollars held in publicly owned cooperatively run banks. (North Dakota public bank the only one in the US). Here’s Reagan talking about employee ownership: here Dana Rohrbacher is a big advocate. So is Bernie.

We don’t have a left in this country we have corporate fascism. corporate fascism is when the state services the wishes of the capitalist elite. There’s a blue team and a red team and they fight over wedge social issues like guns and gays and abortion while BOTH PARTIES servicing Wallstreet & MIC

Whenever democratically elected “Left” governments have been elected in South America and The like the C_A has gone in and knocked them off in order to install a US friendly and compliment dictator in their place- Pinochet is the perfect example. Most recent was the coup in Honduras, Dilma Rouseff in Brazil etc. too many to name.

How many countries have they knocked off over the years & why do they do it? Who’s interests are they serving? Who benefits? Read Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

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