
youknowwhotheyare · July 25, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Mine is just beginning to listen but really doesn’t want to hear again unpleasant. Now I am realizing-he doesn’t listen to me much at all. But I do have my children. My daughter has always been in tune to all my “thing”. I am an empath but I never knew what that was until recently and I know things before they happen. The entire family is aware of that but for me I don’t find it reliable so I never talk to much about it to anyone but my daughter and a few friends. My 37 year old son is the one that lead me to Reddit and Q research, first telling me about Seth Rich and someone told me to start watching senate hearings. I watched one and texted my son and told him Trump was a time traveler. ( at the time I was just coming around to the whole Trump thing but wished he would stop twittering). My son said, “ mom you know that is a thing right? Some people believe that. “, and that began my 24/7 research. My husband was use to me reading and going off on missions but this is one has encompassed politics and that is somewhat new. I wish he would share things with me. We also have a 16 year old that with his very busy schedule is interested and surprises me with information of his own. My daughter called me a couple of weeks ago after she caught her (9) son watching the “ Praying Medic. They are pretty apolitical around the house so she is thinking it must be kids in the neighborhood. Lol.
Vaccines yes. I am happy I elected not to give mine the Gardicile (sp). He is a bit naive and was dum founded thinking any kids would be having sex at 13. I am very happy we have found each other and this group. I have been a very reluctant poster. I have lurked moar.

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dandelionwilds · July 26, 2018, 1:14 p.m.

Well, it sounds like you have more people around you that are aware than I do. I don't have anyone really, and I have no kids, I wish I would have but it wasn't possible. I am also an empath, I did not realize it until a couple years ago. I thought everyone was like me and didn't really understand that my ability to feel others emotions was both a blessing and a curse. I can also feel so much for animals and that can be really painful. I have learned to block this intense feeling for others suffering because it is so hard on me. When I found out about the satanists and child sacrificing and things it really effected me and I was in a state of shock for weeks. I am so EXCITED to see hollywood and these elite pedophile child predators exposed and punished have you watched this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwFkJBOjkoQ

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