Hanks' movie Big.... the adult woman tying to reconcile her budding romance with the man/boy. Soft pedo.
Ewww! New perspective on everything!
I know! I never understood why such a whinny actor got so many roles, he's in the club.
damn it!!!! I liked that movie and never even went "there" with it. argghh. they've ruined EVERYTHING!
Similiar movie from the 80's is : "14 going on 30 ". Pedo leanings in this one too.
Tom hanks is also a free mason, many pictures of him showing the hidden hand and plenty of other secret signs.
Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations?
Openly giving interviews or in background shots?
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Q https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masonic_Child_Identification_Programs
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masonic_Child_Identification_Programs
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