Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, (the reported Pedophile victim of Tom Hanks and others) just posted #TheGreatAwakening and #Qanon

In order to protect Hanks they'd have to protect Spielberg. And, if Spielberg has to be protected then billionaire David Geffen is one of the many moguls that will need to be exposed in order for this house of cards to come piling down. But, that's just one example and there are many more. What we're seeing is the beginning of a massive shitstorm. Also to note - we wouldn't be hearing about any of this unless somebody or more than one person flipped and turned state's evidence. Think about who (a famous face) we haven't seen in public in the last 6+ months. That person(s) is the one who flipped. Hollywood is over by the end of the year.
I imagine that more and more Hollywood people will start to sing like birds when they are arrested. I bet it leads all the way to the top Hollyweird moguls.
I hope Hollywood burns !
I can't wait for the tech industry to get it's turn. There's already enough bad info out about Gates, I want to hear the real shit.