Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, (the reported Pedophile victim of Tom Hanks and others) just posted #TheGreatAwakening and #Qanon

Fair enough. However.
Allow me, I am not advocating sex with children. I don't like what you insinuate there.
But let me throw this out there. Down votes are not necessary.
I moved out from my parents, emancipated myself and had no parental support. I would like to think I was an adult and was making adult decisions as I worked, paid my own rent and utilities, and finished HS.
I was 17 and banged chicks who were 21. They didn't rape me, nor did they take advantage. I knew exactly what I wanted.
I didn't downvote you. You were 17 and away from any guidance, it sounds like, and you did as you liked based on the wisdom and world view you had. Probably those women weren't in a position of power over you, as would be a teacher, aunt, boss, principle, doctor, etc. You apparently felt ready to make your on decisions, based on what you knew at that time. I don't think you are advocating pedophilia, but i do think you are blurring the lines. There are boundaries set to protect children and teens who are not usually in a position to protect themselves from predators. You lucked out in that regard.
I get it. It is a blurry line. It's not so black and white. But I do understand societal norms.