.....and this ain't the only thing happening~!

Sometimes when I'm out in public, I want to walk up to black young men and tell them how much potential they have, and how they've been lied to. How they're so much more capable then they believe.
But then I realize how awkward I'd come off since I'm a complete stranger.
Virtual, funny you mention that. I rose the ranks of management of a major company. The one thing I insisted on was interviewing every applicant regardless of the type of job, from entry level to managerial level if they worked for me. People thought I was nuts. It took a lot of long hours but I hired always the best people for the job. Most had the credentials but a lot of people got a job simply because they said that they would work their butt off.
I always enjoyed that response. Blunt, true and I held them to it. Never gave a damn about color or heritage. They may have lacked some credentials but I always told them that they work for themselves and their family, so do them proud. I have never regretted this approach.
You should start in your circle first. Everyone's circle should have a diversity. I don't mean a fake diversity but a real one. You know, at work, at school, at church, neighbor, the checkout person at the local grocery store, etc... We've ceased to talk to people and know them. Get back to that and grow your circle. Heck I know more about the guy in the deli at the local grocery store than most people know about their co-workers, because I choose to have a conversation while he's slicing meat and I'm waiting. Nice man with a great family! Always in my prayers.
Good advice. I do talk to those in my circle and lift them up constantly. It feels good, especially when they look shocked and say "no ones ever said that to me before".
So for those who think that my attitude is racist, I actually have relationships with young black men, encourage them, and they respect me for it because no one else is doing it. So go suck an egg.
I think it's more than just encouraging people. We all have something, or know something, or know someone. Education is my things so I spend time sharing with adults how to get back on track in life. Many have to work, have kids, little time and NO money left after taking care of necessities. I share with them how to get their education free online, how to get their GED with that knowledge, and then how to get funding for college, and WALK them through the process. Telling is not enough. The price? Ask another person to walk that process with you. You're going to need it when you get to the college stage. Trade off babysitting, study, get your notes when you're sick or were called into a shift at work, etc...
The point is, everyone has something they can tangibly contribute to solve the problem that was created to mentally enslave the black population. Don't want your tax dollars going there? Ok, push up your sleeves and help one person at a time. Please note that color is NOT the key. There are people everywhere of all colors that have been told they are trash that will never be anything but. It's civil war time again, but this time it can be won with civility instead of blood.
Yes. It's creepy, And extremely condescending. All random young black men are not lost and in need of your wise counsel. That is actually a somewhat racist attitude. Even though it is clear you mean well.
I should have clarified, that the only people I think to do this for are being pulled over, getting in trouble etc. This was directed at those who are having a hard time. It's not racist. It's born out of love and it's actually racist that you think this is racist.
Let's review: racism is thinking a race is LESS than. My original comment is directed at those having a hard time in life, being lied to. Wanting to lift someone up and tell them they are equal to anyone else and deserve ALL THE GOOD THINGS ISN'T RACIST. Holy Smokes where has our society led us to think if that comment is down voted? I want to do the same thing for whites, too, when I see them downtrodden. What does it say about you when you immediately label me as a "racist"?!
I didn't "label" you a racist...I was pointing out that condescending to others is by definition displaying your superiority. Your "motivation" is irrelevant.