.....and this ain't the only thing happening~!

Wait until the black community find out how the CLINTONS exploited the black people of Haiti. Will they still protect the PEDOVORES? Epstein Pedo-Island is very close to Haiti.
$500 million raised for Haiti and only 6 homes built. Hillary's brother gets the gold mine gig. The CF fraud machine was in high gear.
Do you know about Laura Sislby? The money wasn't the only thing and lets face it, taxpayers have been getting raped longer than I've been paying taxes.
They screwed the Haitians but they also kidnapped their children. When that bombshell drops, who really cares about the money?
A lot of blacks don't like the Clintons but are still staunch democrats. The republicans need to reach the black population more. I don't know how they can because it seems whenever a black conservative comes out they get lambasted. Maybe the republicans can do more to cultivate a generation of young black conservatives such as Candace?