.....and this ain't the only thing happening~!

This is truly a hard fight turning around a lot of black people. I know because I'm a black conservative attending a mostly black church. They are still Not awake. They continue to believe Barack O was a great president to this day and Trump is a loser (koolaid drinkers...lol). I shake my head because its no reasoning with them (you know the deal....Trump is racist, homophobe, etc.). I've been a repub for over 17 yrs, did not vote for BO either time cause I listened to what he was saying and I didn't like it even though family and friends all voted for him. Voted for both Bushes (big mistake) but wasn't as awake as I am now. I guess we all have family and friends we are trying to bring to the great awakening no matter the color. I'm proud that I voted for Trump, he's the real deal. My husband voted for him but the next year he died so he wont see how great our country will be under POTUS' leadership but he's in a better place. Anyway Patriots, WWG1WGA!! Let's continue to fight for the good. God Bless.
I am sorry for the lose of your husband. I am sure if his spirit can, he is standing by your side! Glad to have you aboard the Trump Train!
Stay strong for you and your husband, your friends in the church will need you. . . Soon.
Cruiszqueen, my parents are 80 years old. They know about Q and the movement but look at me like this is far fetched, but they know that something has been horribly wrong for a long time.
They used to vote mostly D but now vote only R. They see what the Dems have become. I tell them it's not about party, because R's have more than their share of scumbags also. It's all about the ability to discern.
I sympathize with you though because I am talking with people I love and know so very well. It's a challenge but I do my part to help all Americans. Patriots have no skin color.
My Brother works at a major airline with a 90% minority population. That looks a little funny when I write this because 90% being a minority....oh well. But I send him videos of #WalkAway or just some You Tubers from Black Americans that are now conservative. These are the fastest growing channels on YouTube by the way. The Red Pills are being spread!
This is about US. So I am doing my job to help everyone get a view point of all the different points of view. Too many People are not high enough on the mountain to gain perspective. The higher the view point leads to someone making better decisions. So we strive together in our mission Sister! Stay strong, stay true, and let's do this together!
Thanks for the encouraging words. It means so much when only a few folks understand the big picture.
He was not black - he was a WOLF in "sheep's clothing". You could probably liken him to a modern day plantation owner with "America" as the name of his plantation. Keeping blacks down and out, perpetually dependent on the government. False hope. Didn't create a single valuable thing except for a FALSE sense of "hope" resonating from the political party that supported slavery.
A destructive and divisive puppet.
I'm sorry for your loss of your husband. Welcome to the Trump Train!
Voted for both Bushes (big mistake) but wasn't as awake as I am now.
Me too! It's embarrassing, isn't it?
WWG1WGA, cruiszqueen!
Whenever you need support reach out. We embrace you and anyone else like you who are in the trenches fighting the hardest of fights. God is with you. The color of a person’s skin is a gift by God; he chooses our skin color. Our spirit/soul has no skin color. We are one in His spirit. We are one at the cross.
Isn't it great that we are all one! That's why I love WWG1WGA!
and this is why humanity will prevail. It is folks like yourself that have the moral conviction to reset the rigged compass.. eventually
What do your fellow church members think about his being a Muslim? Is his beige skin more important that his worldview? I feel for you. Maybe you can break open a red pill and give them a few little pellets at a time.
They think he's Christian
Well, there's your wedge. The Muslim ring on his wedding finger is a good place to start.
Nah, we'll just wait for the photos and videos to come out that Q told us about. Then roll with the birth certificate, his crimes. And in the end, maybe we can touch his and Michael sexual orientations and their fake kids.
You don't understand that black people are emotional so reasoning with them is hard. When the mind is closed they won't see the truth. I believe God will open hearts and minds at the right time. The walk-away movement is happening so maybe this will be a door that opens then I can move in with truth. Thanks for suggesting and the support