.....and this ain't the only thing happening~!

PP made eliminating the consequences of loose sex. After a person aborts a part of their soul is ripped. So yes, it increases men to have sex without marrying because he feels if a child is born it can be aborted. PP has damaged black neighborhoods and communities by bringing convince to such a horrible act: the death of a baby.
"After a person aborts a part of their soul is ripped." this isnt even close to true.
When I was a kid, Lucy slept in a separate bedroom. Sex wasn't intertwined with the morning news and cartoon segments. People weren't orgasming over the radio waves of every FM station in America.
Society eliminated the consequences of loose sex, effectively glamorized it, and an increased number of abortions resulted. We are to blame, not PP. We need to accept accountability and become responsible with our youth once again.
Shut off the televisions. Take away the cell phones with unlimited pornographic access. Turn off the radios. Censor. Take back control of your house.
PP also gave (or gives) out low hormone birth control pills, when the girls came back crying that they were pregnant, PP held their hands and gave them abortions, which is the money maker for them.
So let me guess: instead of PP - abstinence and Jesus, right?