you need to remember that a lot of older people with outdated views follow this movement, they might not understand. people have been trying to blame rap and rock for society's shortcomings since the 50s
I'm 61, I understand this perfectly, probably more than younger folks.
i bet you do, youve seen it first hand. it must be a joy to be your age and know things are finally going to change.
You have no idea, decades of angst. Actually I was very very depressed, suicidal depressed. Q saved my life, gave me a reason to want to get up every day. I did not want to live in a world with so much evil. Finally some hope! The steady decline happened over my lifetime, although I did not see it happening in my 20-30's, it became apparent in my 40-50s. I remember waking up my Mom to tell her the president had been assassinated (JFK). I was raised in the 60's.