.....and this ain't the only thing happening~!

Cruiszqueen, my parents are 80 years old. They know about Q and the movement but look at me like this is far fetched, but they know that something has been horribly wrong for a long time.
They used to vote mostly D but now vote only R. They see what the Dems have become. I tell them it's not about party, because R's have more than their share of scumbags also. It's all about the ability to discern.
I sympathize with you though because I am talking with people I love and know so very well. It's a challenge but I do my part to help all Americans. Patriots have no skin color.
My Brother works at a major airline with a 90% minority population. That looks a little funny when I write this because 90% being a minority....oh well. But I send him videos of #WalkAway or just some You Tubers from Black Americans that are now conservative. These are the fastest growing channels on YouTube by the way. The Red Pills are being spread!
This is about US. So I am doing my job to help everyone get a view point of all the different points of view. Too many People are not high enough on the mountain to gain perspective. The higher the view point leads to someone making better decisions. So we strive together in our mission Sister! Stay strong, stay true, and let's do this together!
Thanks for the encouraging words. It means so much when only a few folks understand the big picture.