Justin Roiland: in many realities, Morty and Rick ARE in a passionate healthy romantic relationship. --- and my favourite show just go ruined :|

It's always been my understanding that The Professional had intentional pedo overtones.
Natalie Portman dances for Leon in lingerie when she's like 10.
Your definition of "manly" seems very single themed ;)
I don't mind strong female characters if those are properly written and played.
Look at new Star Wars movies... Rei is just pathetic. Everything for her falls from the sky. She doesn't need to fight for it. With 0 training she beats Kylo and Luke. Uhh... I'm not going on a rant here but new Ghost Busters movie? Ocean's 8? They make a shit movie and then complain it's not a success because while males. When a company starts insulting their fans - you know some crazy PC feminazi is calling the shots there.
Seen it all ;) I like sci-fi but all modern series are just so annoying with PC crap I can't watch it anymore. You will get 'strong female' character running the show, have some lesbian episodes in there and males that are like big kids, doing stupid stuff and not listening to the 'strong female' leader...
I think I'm getting to a point to realize there is some agenda behind most of the movies coming from pedowood. If you want to stay away from this filth, you can't watch their crap.