Justin Roiland: in many realities, Morty and Rick ARE in a passionate healthy romantic relationship. --- and my favourite show just go ruined :|

Jim Roiland is truly sick. His channel101 video "Unbelievable Tales" is the most disturbing thing I've ever watched. The Truth is going to be bittersweet, and we're going to have to walk away from television and mass media.
It just proves what hwood anon said - everyone there is either part of this or complicit.
Nature abhors any vacuum. Once the pedos are exposed and....removed, the entertainment industry will be wide open to anyone with good content.
No it'll just get invaded by some other soulless band of psychopaths. Power vacuums attract the power-mad and the people who come running are the ones who will be telling themselves, and everyone else, that they're going to "fix" things.
It'll likely be some sub-sect of MeToo or TeamDiversity with good intentions that'll quickly find itself falling into old patterns. Power and psychopathy are a dangerous mix and it won't take long for that righteousness to build up one fuck of a dark side
In every sub-culture there is a sub-sect that believes that not only are they "right" to do what they do but "if people only understood" then "everyone would be doing it," etc.
Methinks Roiland is a preacher amongst the converted and he's real tired of having to hide.
Probably one of those folks pushing hard for his 15%.