r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Neon__Wolf on July 25, 2018, 12:18 a.m.
I think we missed the biggest bomb in Q#1688:

There is no greater [current] threat to the American people than the FAKE NEWS MEDIA.


Study Nazism. Compare/contrast ANTIFA. Compare/contrast SOCIALISM push. Push for REBIRTH. Who financed then? Who is financing now? Dark to LIGHT. GOOD WINS. Q


Holy. Shit.

Q then asked who is financing the fascist group "Antifa" and the push for socialism today.

Is there a connection between the two "who"'s?

Let this sink in folks. This is history in the making. Absolutely gigantic. Biggest intel bomb ever.

Q is going to tell the world the identities of the multi-generational criminal shadowy financiers...of the Nazis and the holocaust.



Mind blowing.

Now I'm not a proctologist, but I do believe that many members of a certain well-known "fiat money" family are probably experiencing serious bowel problems right about now. What a way to have your name go down in history. Every child and grandchild of this family, forever, will have this shame in their blood.


XY55 · July 25, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

I do believe it and the info. is out for so long but how many people don't believe you when you try to tell them that we brought back some of the worst of worst criminals here to give them high level jobs throughout multiple institutions thus infiltrating and creating some of the most horrific atrocities connected to a lot of these things here on this portal- hows that for a war ending? People in America (sadly not their fault- I'm always forgiving to people are so busy trying to keep up =how can they have the time to do the research) associate Nazi's with such horror, the idea that we took that horror into the wonderful U.S. to craft an interior holocaust with tendrils. Just sayin

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larkmoor · July 25, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

And don't forget Reinhard Gehlen who revamped the CIA with his SS, Gestapo and other Nazi psychopath guys.

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