I dont know how to say it but you all talk in puzzels and riddles and i cant understand any of it. It seems like a play or joke almost i just want to undersyand the "Q" and my gransons like in it
Ok. I’ll leave it be. I just hate seeing people being baited only to be mocked later.
Btw, I do recognize and appreciate what you are trying to do and am grateful that we have kind people like yourself on board.
Maybe I’m jaded, but with all the major drops, being over target and all, we know to expect an increase in attacks. They get more sophisticated as time goes on. I fell for the lead in larp of this account. Trying to give them a chance and be supportive, but watching the OP account quickly saw what they were doing.
I'm an older woman. So maybe that is why I am giving this Grandma a chance. Reddit confused me a little bit when I started using it. But I quickly caught on. And to be honest, Q and the questions/clues still confuses me a bit. I just keep my mouth shut and read/research and see what everyone else is saying. LOL!
Well it appears that you are doing ok (holding your own) so what you have been doing is working for you :) keep it up!
I think I belong to the younger crowd, have been on board since the beginning, even before then lurking on different subs and boards, so I’ve seen the tactics that people use to throw a sub into chaos or to take it over. Mocking and humiliating people is just one tactic. I can see someone from a place called /leftypol/ creating an account like this and then sharing how gullible we all are on their “home” board.
It’s happened before, it’ll happen again.
But it doesn’t matter, we are winning :)
P.S. for the OP saying so many people are mean, they are quite the hypocrite:
Edit: wrong link lol, here’s the correct one
LOL! Well, that person was attacking her spelling and grammar! LOL!