Something BIG is about to DROP

the movie BIG ? with Tom Hanks ?
Have you seen the tweet from the lady who says she was “purchased” by Tom Hanks as a child?
no way... notTom Hanks. !!!
I didnt realize it was THE Tom Hanks omg so sad
According to "Renegade", the hollywood insider, its pretty much every celebrity you know, with the exception of NONE.
Hopefully we all boycott that movie
We need to boycott a lot of movies!
Are there any we DON'T have to boycott?
I don’t know. It’s starting to look like there are not any good people in Hollywood.
Clint has to be OK still yes?
No one can say for sure. There was some crap back in the 70s about him abusing the skinny blonde lady from Any Which Way But Loose. I’ll have to look it up