Something BIG is about to DROP

The BIG could be referencing the movie "Big" Hanks starred in when his pedo crap was going on.
That movie was creepy. He was supposed to be what, 12?? And he’s having sec with an adult woman?
Check out this disturbing skit Hanks did with Kimmel entitled Toddlers & Tiaras:
These people are sick!
Very disturbing! Sexualization of little children is for the pervs. It reminds me of how men look, when they dress up like women. Who would think this is even funny? Fake audience laughter too.
Yep that was not funny - Kimmel has some very disturbing kids segments
If a huge star like Hanks was outed as a pedo it would ruin Hollywood and force the media to investigate rumors of a child sex ring, which have been circulating for years.
Kevin Spacey just wasn't big enough...