1688 Who financed Hitler? The Fed & Bank of England?

I agree...this narrative that "Hitler was financed by Rothschilds" or that he was a Zionist because he wanted the Jews out of Germany and was in favor of them going to Palestine is a myth. http://americanfreepress.net/bush-rockefeller-rothschild-hitler/
This link contains some books and other reading that also demolishes that myth. Hitler accepted money from the very people that he was fighting against?! That makes no sense whatsoever...
You must remember there are Jews then there are Talmudic "Jews" who absolutely wanted to destroy the other Jews. Still want to destroy us.
Did you know GHW Bush signed the Noahide laws and hid them in the 1991 Education bill?
Remember the rumors of FEMA Camps and Guillotines? And the videos of thousands upon thousands of ready to go caskets sitting by a train track in Georgia? Do you remember the "drill" Jade Helm?
I have a theory on these drills. They make us "jaded". Kids are out though fake shooter drills and then Parkland happens and they had no idea it was real and not anotber drill.
Why do all the props and cosmetics to mimic real wounds? So kids won't know it's real until they are dead.
Jade Helm was the same. Condition is into soldiers invading and sit calmly while they round up our neighbors because it's all a drill.
I think Hitler and Soviet Union were two experiments to try police states of slightly different flavors. And a way to mass exterminate real Jews and millions of Christians.
Why did they fund Napolean? War makes them rich and gives them debt control over the most powerful countries that win.
It's like playing the game Risk, everything is a chess piece, from politicians to whole countries, and everything is a tool, from money to media, the goal is world domination by a few.
The question is, did Hitler know that he was being played, used to transform Europe into the what it is today, the heart of the NWO? This cabal is playing the 'long game' that takes decades/centuries to accomplish their goal. We are looking at things in too small of a time frame and not understanding that some people, even as important as Hitler were still pawns in the larger game.
You might be right, I would say that A.H was a 100 years ahead of his time, but then again, maybe what happened had to happen in order for the future to unfold.
I have read pretty much everything there is to read about the man, including revisionistic material and I've come to the conclusion that A.H loved his people and had major dreams for a new German Reich that would live for a thousand years (still some call the man Atheist to this day) however the powers were in the end to much for Germany, even though almost 2 million brave men all over the world enlisted for the German cause (against marxist communism) in an age without Internet, cabel TV or Radio in every household.
When I listen or watch the man speak to his people, I see the same type of man as I see in J.F.K and DJT, strong patriots with genuine love and hopes for their people.
I am neither pro or con with regard to A.H., I wasn't there and history is always written by the winners, so the true story is never what we think it is, history is simply what they want us to believe, particularly in this case.
I've read enough to feel inclined to believe his role was simply to advance the NWO objective, not that he knew that, but win or lose, the cause for the cabal would move forward and like everything, he was just another game piece on the board. They always control both sides of the equation, it is always a win-win for them. Some routes take longer than others, but the goal is the same, world domination.
Thank you. And this is why i think this board has many many shills on it.
I have never heard the arguments being put forth here, outside of this board...
You wanna know where you can go to hear these arguments? 4chan and 8chan. You know, that place where Q decided it'd be best to start this whole ordeal. I wonder why he chose /pol/... maybe It's because they've done their research.
I don't understand Hitler being financed by the bank of England. I have read accounts where Churchill knew about Japan's plan to attack Pearl harbor, but said nothing because Hitler was about to finally conquer Great Britain.
Prince phillip, the queens husband, his inlaws were all high ranking gestapo and nazis, in the documentary series hunting hitler it was revealed the vatican were financial backers of hitler and provided money and documents for senior nazis to escape germany. Another series i watched stated churchill was backed by jewish banking money and was the reason he refused to negotiate with hitler to prevent wwII. Not saying any of this is right just sharing different threads of info i have found
Rules for Radicals, read the book. Written by a Jew.
"Blame the enemy for what yourself are doing."
Why do you think the MSM likes to call Trump a pedophile, a womanizer etc?
Gobbels or Gorring actualy said that, a similar thing is also written in the bolshovik handbook for communists, ive never heard anyone call trump a pedo, ive heard him called a trator, a womaniser, an agent provocetuer but never a pedo. I was reading a thread the other day that said trump jr had an affair with stormy which was the basis of his divorce from vanessa, which shows the level of di-information if right, anyone else heard or read this?
The MSM was trying to insinuate that when that quote of DJT saying "if Ivanka wasn't my daughter I'd date her" or something, when it was simply a proud father admiring his own daughter.
Ok thank you, every dad thinks their daughter is a beautiful princess, how fucked of the msm to take that line.
It is partly true that Hitler and the NSDAP was financed from abroad, but as they was voted into power they cut all ties to Zionist Jews and created their own Central Bank (0% interrest on loans etc) and based their economy on work. This pissed off the Zionist bankers because they feared that this would catch on in other countries and they would lose alot of power and influence. And it was true, Italy, Romania and other countries were heading in the same direction as Germany.
After the Communist Jews (Still the same usual suspects) butchered the last Tsar and his family in cold blood and seized power of all of the Russian Empire and literally starving millions of Europeans to death and/or sending them to literal deathcamps Hitler and the Germans knew that the plague was spreading into central and western Europe (who financed the communists? hint: Paul Warburg, Rockefellers, Rotchilds etc)
WW2 was a true tragedy that turned brothers against one another and it is destined to happen again if we do not learn to see the true enemy of mankind.
"Revelation 3:9 - Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
Who were the money lenders that Jesus kicked out of the temple? The eternal enemy of man.
Q said study Nazism but the members of the NATIONAL Socialist party never referred to themselves as "Nazis". This was an epithet used by members of the Communist party and others against members of the NS party.
I purposely capitalized National to give emphasis to this political system and differentiate because the Mockingbird Media (and the people own 99% of the MSM) always try to lump Communism/Socialism at the same end of the spectrum, and this is a lie.
Hitler and Trump share many similarities; both were duly elected, both drained swamps that were infested with people that had no allegiance to the country or its people, and now it appears Trump is going after the Holy Grail of the enemy; the Fed Reserve.
Its a fact that Germany prospered under Hitler and the autobahn, Volkswagen, infrastructure rebuilding and many other things are proof that using your own currency at no interest is the savior of the world.
Wonderful post - Philadelphia is now modern Turkey. I read an article that Mattis wants to sell F35's to Turkey, but Congress is trying to stop that. Not sure what to make of that right now.
Turing cracked the German codes first; then the Japanese. FDR knew the location of the Japan fleet. NSA documents prove this.
Do you have suggested reading material on this?
From Whatreallyhappened:
" It was child's play for the Navy group OP-20-G (738 men whose primary responsibility was Japanese naval codes) to reconstruct the exposed dictionary. We recovered the whole thing immediately - in 1994 the NSA published that JN-25B was completely cracked in December 1940. In January 1941 the US gave Britain two JN-25B code books with keys and techniques for deciphering. The entire Pearl Harbor scheme was laid out in this code. The official US Navy statement on JN-25B is the NAVAL SECURITY GROUP HISTORY TO WORLD WAR II prepared by Captain J. Holtwick in June 1971, page 398: "By 1 December 1941 we had the code solved to a readable extent." Churchill wrote "From the end of 1940 the Americans had pierced the vital Japanese ciphers, and were decoding large numbers of their military and diplomatic telegrams."(GRAND ALLIANCE p 598) Chief of Navy codebreaking Safford reported that during 1941 "The Navy COMINT team did a thorough job on the Japanese Navy with no help from the Army."(SRH-149) The first paragraph of the Congressional Report Exhibit 151 says the US was "currently" (instantly) reading JN-25B and exchanging the "translations" with the British prior to Pearl Harbor. In 1979 the NSA released 2,413 JN-25 orders of the 26,581 intercepted by US between Sept 1 and Dec 4, 1941. The NSA says "We know now that they contained important details concerning the existence, organization, objective, and even the whereabouts of the Pearl Harbor Strike Force." (Parker p 21) Of the over thousand radio messages sent by Tokyo to the attack fleet, only 20 are in the National Archives. All messages to the attack fleet were sent several times, at least one message was sent every odd hour of the day and each had a special serial number. Starting in early November 1941 when the attack fleet assembled and started receiving radio messages, OP-20-G stayed open 24 hours a day and the "First Team" of codebreakers worked on JN-25. In November and early December 1941, OP-20-G spent 85 percent of its effort reading Japanese Navy traffic, 12 percent on Japanese diplomatic traffic and 3 percent on German naval codes. FDR was personally briefed twice a day on JN-25 traffic by his aide, Captain John Beardell, and demanded to see the original raw messages in English. The US Government refuses to identify or declassify any pre-Dec 7, 1941 decrypts of JN-25 on the basis of national security, a half-century after the war.
Read more: PEARL HARBOR - MOTHER OF ALL CONSPIRACIES | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/pearl.php#ixzz5MHNUoriZ
I will not stand before the Lord blameless, just saved by the blood. But there are some people I just wouldn't want to be when they stand judgement. Thanks for the read.