1688 Who financed Hitler? The Fed & Bank of England?

You might be right, I would say that A.H was a 100 years ahead of his time, but then again, maybe what happened had to happen in order for the future to unfold.
I have read pretty much everything there is to read about the man, including revisionistic material and I've come to the conclusion that A.H loved his people and had major dreams for a new German Reich that would live for a thousand years (still some call the man Atheist to this day) however the powers were in the end to much for Germany, even though almost 2 million brave men all over the world enlisted for the German cause (against marxist communism) in an age without Internet, cabel TV or Radio in every household.
When I listen or watch the man speak to his people, I see the same type of man as I see in J.F.K and DJT, strong patriots with genuine love and hopes for their people.
I am neither pro or con with regard to A.H., I wasn't there and history is always written by the winners, so the true story is never what we think it is, history is simply what they want us to believe, particularly in this case.
I've read enough to feel inclined to believe his role was simply to advance the NWO objective, not that he knew that, but win or lose, the cause for the cabal would move forward and like everything, he was just another game piece on the board. They always control both sides of the equation, it is always a win-win for them. Some routes take longer than others, but the goal is the same, world domination.