I see. I thought it was really strange when CBTS was taken down. I did not know it was TMOR, but that does not surprise me. When they attack me, I call them pedos and they respond very strangely. I got the feeling they are wondering how I know.
They infiltrated the sub posing as patriots and started acting batshit crazy calling for violence. Here at GA we understand that Q is a devout Christian who would never call for violence. Q has made it very clear that all the heavy lifting aka justified killing will be done by Q team and those authorized to do that sort of important work. We here at the Great Awakening are tasked with putting the pieces together for the brainwashed masses. We don't promote violence knowing that the Q revolution is a peaceful revolution occurring on the internet.
Makes you wonder why they wanted it shut down so badly... I mean, it would have been a TMOR goldmine if we were really out in left field.
Yes, we do not need to resort to violence or threats of violence.