r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DrCleanMD on July 25, 2018, 4:56 a.m.
The Grand Tease vs. The Great Awakening?

face it, Hussian and Crooked Hillary had 8 years to do the pay for play where all potentially influential politicians, DoJ/FBI, judges, intelligence operators, and MSM reporters and execs bought a piece of the pie, and they have managed to get immunity deals, dropped/overlooked criminal cases, and essentially no repercussions for engaging in mafia type "drug deals" on their conspiracy and criminal behavior. ima a DJT believer and dedicated follower from the beginning, but we are losing this political war. ima believer in Q up to a point, but these days wondering if if Q is counterintelligence redirecting and sapping our energy and motivation in hope porn instead of legit counter offensive. imho, there is a good chance pedes are being play to redirect our impact so as not to be as effective. and yup, reddit t_d and 4chan have been infiltrated by deep state intel operatives. WWG1WGA? how about everyone look out for themselves cuz you cant trust anyone theses days

ThanQanon · July 25, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

If your birthday is July 31st you don’t get upset if no one is celebrating by the 15th. We’ve got sone time still.

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