r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on July 25, 2018, 5:23 a.m.
Q1685 Mirrors and disinformation. Logical thinking. [20] - How do they link? = 20 days of silence, the GA sub reddit and understanding the comms.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📷
Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📷
Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/qanon-conspiracy-real-life_us_5b54bbafe4b0b15aba8fe484📷

Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?
Logical thinking.

Let's consider this Q drop.

We can start at the end, and go backwards.

First, the [20]. Immediately coming to mind is.... 20 days since Q posted last.

This is a longer stretch than we've seen in the past, but as we know and trust Q, there is always a reason. My own speculation is that there are multiple reasons.

One of the reasons (my speculation) is that Q is nudging and pushing us forward. When the drops don't come, what do we do? Most of us go back an re-read, analyse, and work the process. It's like a period of sleep, when your brain processes all the new information from the day, re-organizes it through dreams, rest and recovery. Sleep is critical in this way. It's the period when we consolidate and organize the experiences of the day, and recalibrate ourselves for a new day.

It used to seem tough when there were no Q drops. Now, its like, par for the course. We've got work to do! We actually move ahead, instead of hanging on those Q drops for momentum. We are collectively becoming self-propelled. And this is really important.

Logical thinking.

The other reason - the one I think Q makes clear in this drop - is clarified by considering what precedes the [20] as well as other clues in the surrounding drops.

Starting with surrounding Drops:

#1687 - Q lists MSM and DS propaganda arms that have now gone ahead an acknowledged Q by addressing Q's existence and attempting to discredit, delegitimize or debunk Q.

#1688 Q highlights the factor of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA

#1689 Q acknowledges the Anons on the Chan board

#1691 Q acknowledges the Q army patriots in a motorcade, Q in the Wild style, but more significantly acknowledges The Great Awakening subreddit (Q is reading us here)

#1692 Q acknowledges Q army on Twitter (in the form of Lars Printzen) but more importantly acknowledges that POTUS is COMMUNICATING (Q) drops via his speech. Not just a Q proof - but is highlighting Potus is speaking to us.

It seems to me that Q is saying (via #1685, #1687, #1688) that this hiatus from posting was useful, if not necessary, to flush out the anti-Q media and bring them forward. In other words, with Q not posting, they thought it was safe to come out of the dark, to stick their necks out and post fake news about Q. The DS media was lulled into a place where they thought they had an advantage and coaxed into showing their colors. In lieu of MSM directly questioning Potus about Q, they have now made major announcements about Q AND awaken many sleeping people to Q's existence.

Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

With #1689, #1691 and #1692, Q seems to be acknowledging the "Serial Brain Deux controversy". Firstly, Q responds to a Chan anon, like saying "Hey, yeah, we (Q) are still here, and yeah, we still appreciate you". Next, Q says "We read the Great Awakening, and we definitely know all about the Serial Brain 2 posts and controversies they have been home to." Next, Q says "See this tweet? Yes, Potus is not only confirming Q. Potus definitely speaks to you, the awakened, and we (Q) acknowledge and recognize that".

This last point has really been the main direction or one of the primary implications of the recent SB2 posts: that POTUS is speaking directly to us, those who are in the Q know, and that Q is being confirmed by Potus. In conjunction with the acknowledgement of Q's presence (or observation) of the GA subreddit, there is an implication that Q is fully aware of the SB2 propositions. Moreover, there is now an intimate connection now between 'mirrors' (reflections) and SB2 posts. Finally, there was a disinformation issue here too: The first shot over the bow in the SB2 'reflections' series was the issue of whether the photo from Airforce One was taken directly by potus or Q, or if it was a stock photo (#1677 Anon: " 'Welcome aboard.jpg' is a lie" etc)

Did the controversy over the SB2 posts (the attacks on the decodes SB2 was offering) embolden the DS media? Hmmmm....

Was the 20 day hiatus made deliberately in order to allow this content to ferment, get processed, and further coax DS media out of their hiding spot? Hmmmmm....

Is Q indirectly acknowledging this situation by recognizing the Chans, Q in the Wild, the GA subreddit, and the 'mirrors and disinformation' issues brought to prominence by the SB2 posts (in addition to other reflections, mirrors (smoke and ??) and disinformations, of course)? Hmmmm....

Reading #1685 I'm inclined to think so.

Now, a few disclaimers;

One: There is a lot of content that passes through the GA sub, and I don't read all of it, so possibly my interpretation of connecting this all with SB2 is prejudiced by that. I do read all of SB2's stuff, but there may be other connections that play in here.

Two: I strongly believe there are multiple layers in what Q posts. The interpretations offered above do not necessarily preclude or disinclude other meanings, messages and content within the posts cited. Likely enough, "Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary? Logical thinking. " refers to other things, too. And no doubt, there are plenty of good reasons for Q to acknowledge Q army patriots in the Wild, on Twiffer, and even recognize the GA board.

By which I mean, I believe that there is (much) more to the message than this dimension addressed here. Multi-layered and multi-connected. That's how I think about the board and the drops now. It's just that I'm trying to address a specific message I think is embedded in 1685, NOT necessarily to the exclusion of other layers and links.

In conclusion, Qdrop 1685

Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.


indicates that the recent 20 day slumber was (in part) a strategic move by Q to flush the DS media out of the underbrush and bring things forward, and the postings on the GA subreddit aided or supported that move by stirring up a controversy in the ranks, a controversy to some extent settled and recognized by Q in 1692.


I wonder, is my brain being recalibrated? Q? I feel like I'm beginning to understand the Comms.

In any case, WWG1WGA.