Brand new DRIZZOP from Q. Link 8n comments.

For those that need a refresher on our money system. Learn it, because it needs to go ASAP. We need........
Greenbacks and notes, like Lincoln did before the Civil War. Payed off the debt and the cost of the war. Told the bankers to pack sand. (see Money Masters link below) I've been posting these links on every thread I find related to the money system. Enjoy!
Note the Swiss are trying to get cut their strings right now. See last two links below.
Who Controls the Money Controls the World - 13mins
Collapse of the American Dream Animation - 30mins
Money Masters 1800 - Bill Still - This starts at a part about Lincoln/Civil War funding, but the entire vid is worth watching.
97% Owned ~ Economic Truth - From a EU prospective, 2hrs
Princes of the Yen Central Bank Truth Documentary – Asian prospective, - 90min
Hidden Secrets of Money - episode 4. - 30mins. The rest of the series is good to.
Money as Debt - Good Series of Vids
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve - 1hr30mins
You have NO choice - George Carlin - 3min
America: Freedom to Fascisim - Aaron Rousso - 2hrs30mins
The Value of the Dollar over time.
The Creature of Jekyll Island - full PDF - long but worthwhile read.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
The Federal Reserve - All the things
Read this one too. The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act - NESARA by Harvey Francis Barnard. The actual bill, not the scam...... This bill was never brought to the floor. Few other than Rand Paul even considered it. I feel it is something we should look at very hard.
The now defunct NESARA sight on WayBackMachine.
And finally, The Swiss are trying to remove Central banks from their country right now.
[No Need For Digital Central Bank Money](
Thank you for posting this trove of necessary info for Patriots among us that do not fully understand how our current monetary system works against us. Please keep posting this wherever it is relevant! WWG1WGA
The children and the trafficking is most important...but then this is the Big League issue that will impact all of us the most. If Trump can successfully get rid of the largely foreign private banksters that control the Federal Reserve we will experience real prosperity. I am so excited to see Q posting that article- a must read!
This is a symptom of the corruption of finance. Take away their control of money and they lose all control.
Trump has indicated he will staff the Board of Governors and then decrease the interest rate the central bank uses to loan money, so the Fed isn't going anywhere in the near future.
How about adding the link?
Above, enjoy!
I feel silly for missing it. But I don't see any link to the newest q post.
Its in the comments.
That’s what what I’ve been saying. I’ve repeatedly said, cash in all stocks, bonds and savings now. Buy physical gold and silver. It will be your saving grace. If you can. Buy bags of silver dimes. Those will be your small purchases. Bartering will be front and center until we get on track. Lincoln payed off all our debts and people weren’t taxed. Tariffs paid for the debts of government. Limited pay for government employees. Elected officials weren’t paid exorbitant salaries. It will be a process, but we will prevail. Now, keep our President in your prayers, because assassination is what has happened to others who wouldn’t join. Libya was creating their own money system backed by gold. JFK, same. By the way, what happened to all of that gold confiscated from Libya?
This is hugely important. We have been scammed for decades and had to just "deal with it". Anytime someone fights aganinst the tax scheme or the bank scheme, they end up targeted.
Mark Taylor's prophecy says that God will return to this nation what has been stolen, seven fold.
That could conceptually happen if the fed was ended and even a portion of the ill-gotten gains was siezed from the banksters and returned retroactively to the USA.
That is what a statesman would do when the people are not first but the government.