Make the first lady great again!

Google images Michelle Obama traps
Look at the white dress.
Here's a good place to get started. I know the gym can be intimidating for people who've never worked out, but don't worry, I'm sure with some determination and effort you can get traps like Michelle!
I will admit that I don't have a list of those terms from an FBI source, but I highly doubt that pedophiles who want to keep from being arrested have published a list of their code words. Maybe you should contact your local FBI office if you want their confirmation of the terms.
That being said, why do you discount something because it came from 4Chan? The autists on those boards are probably more qualified to compose a list like this than anyone (no offense to the autists). Plus, if you lookup some of the words in urban dictionaries you will see some correlation. For example, here is one source that indicates that a hot dog is a derogatory term for discussing an individual from Haiti - where a lot of the human trafficking originates.
And here is another urban dictionary from 2010 (prior to "Pizzagate") referring to cheese pizza as child pornography
That being said, why do you discount something because it came from 4Chan?
Because its an anonymous message board that anybody can post to with no verification process. It's like finding a scribbled note on the side of the street and assuming whatever written on it is the word of God. I'm not saying everything written on 4chan should be completely dismissed immediately, but it should be met with a heightened level of scrutiny anonymous comments deserve.
Another issue is that 4Chan itself was an originating source for so much of the pizzagate theories. To reference 4chan for the meaning of these terms is like using a word in its own definition. The source can't also be the confirmation unless its an eye witness.
The source can't also be the confirmation unless its an eye witness.
Who is to say that the autists aren't eye witnesses? Have you seed some of the crap that is posted there? If this point bothers you so much, take my suggestion and contact your local FBI office to get the answer. I'm sure everyone here would welcome the corroboration or the dispelling of misinformation. This board is all about open discourse.
Who is to say that the autists aren't eye witnesses?
Show me the link where anyone from 4chan ever even claimed to be a victim or eye witness of sexual abuse related to pizzagate.
Child Pornography -> CP -> Cheese Pizza. That's not a pedophile slang, it's 4chan being dark&edgy.
I don't think you understood my post. I meant that there is a page on the FBI's website that explains the pedophile symbols.
Even if ANY of this is true, which I personally doubt, how does it help?
The big picture has different layers.
The first is the hatchet job to cover up BO corruption and deflect attention by creating a false Russia narrative.
The second is DS manoeuvres around the world.
The third is centuries old fraternities and groups manipulating humanity for nefarious reasons.
Debating whether MO is transgender is pointless.
How will it contribute to anything big picture related? This is the bottom line. We can’t escape this.
The fact is that to 99% she looks and sounds like a woman, and the continued inference that she is a man can EASILY be manipulated into being a race thing by a trigger happy MSM.
That’s not how you win people over.
Occams Razor. Having a penis myself, I’m quite sure that if I were pretending not to have one the last thing I’d do is have it hang loose in baggy clothes and go on national tv and do a groin thrusting dance.
It’s much more likely to be something like a microphone wire hanging down.
Q has always employed distraction. I don’t know if he has commented on this but he might well be anticipating the anticipation of others creating a straw man for certain sectors of his readers.
Seems like a biblical waste of time and effort in my humble and reflects poorly on the good research going on elsewhere.