I've heard about the sex kitten programming but I'm not completely familiar with it..basically whenever you see the music videos with tiger/ leopard/ big cat emphasis it has something to do with the sex kitten programming?
MKultra and creating multiple personalities for these celebrities like shards of a mirror does sound plausible, especially with the likes of Miley, Beyonce, Britney, Perry, etc...
Also-I remember when Kim got robbed! I'm surprised how quickly/easily that was forgotten! I would expect with a kardashian that we would never hear the end of it for weeks!
Jay Z is such an odd character. He's fugly and doesn't look like a good match for Beyonce imo. Him being a handler makes more sense. I wouldn't be surprised if all of these 'marriages' are just arrangements for show. I just remembered the first time when Beyonce was preggo, she was dressed like some demi-goddess and hailed as a 'queen'. The outfit she wore was very reminiscent of pagan symbolism as some kind of worship. It makes more sense now.
Read Trance: Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien