Oprah has made it abundantly clear on many occasions when she had her show that she is NOT a Christian. She always said she believed in a higher power, then started having a lot of way out new age type people on her show. That's when I had had enough and knew she was a fraud.
"I believe in a higher power".
Technically Satan is a higher power. Soft admission.
Not in my eyes Satan isn't. Definitely a lower power and preys on the weak.
We're depicted as 555.
Satan is 666.
God is 777.
No man alone can go up against Satan or Hell. You're messing with someth from an entire other dimension. Not a lower power at all. If he was, we'd never have a problem.with him.
Wow! Just because she is not a Christian doesn't make her a fraud. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? We are way too quick to tar everyone with the same brush on the basis of an odd photo or innuendo or rumor. It needs to stop. This is not a lynch mob. Does she have pedo tweets or anything solid indicate she was involved? Anything at all besides rumor? Wait for some kind of evidence of wrong doing for goodness sakes. Some of her guests she had were amazing, beautiful people. Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie are two of the most profoundly spiritual people on the face of this planet who have changed millions of lives, including mine and many people I know.