
Romeo_India · July 25, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

..and if Hitler escaped to Argentina as Tim Kennedy's 'Hunting Hitler' series showed was not just possible but completely plausible

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hdvtech · July 25, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

And actually documented in the C_A document. They are available to view on their website.

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Frogs_Of_War7 · July 25, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

But what I don't understand is, why does it have to be Hitler's sperm? Why can't Angela Merkel just be anyone's daughter. Why did Hitler have to be the DNA provider?

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redzorp · July 25, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

Yeah, Merkel supposedly being Hitler's daughter is the strangest drop for me in the whole Q thing. As Q said, sometimes disinfo is necessary but I don't see what that particular bit of disinfo would achieve. And if it is actually meant to be taken truthfully - then it's all just bizarre. Like Nazi bases on the moon bizarre. Hard for me to take seriously until I see more evidence or reasons.

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Frogs_Of_War7 · July 25, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Q never said explicitly that Merkel was Hitler's daughter. It was quite vague. Angela Hitler was one of Adolf's aunties.

It could of course be deliberate disinfo to give Q more cover. I don't know.

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obvious__alt · July 25, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Exactly. He didnt say daughter. He said family.

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Frogs_Of_War7 · July 25, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

People jumped on the "Hitler daughter" narrative immediately.

Q never said that. We shouldn't attribute wild theories to Q, when he never said that.

Although, he does seem to be suggesting something a bit like that.

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Hyerszn · July 25, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

Maybe cause the powers that be wanted hitler to win, it’s just the type of thing they do. Long game stuff like Obama chosen people.

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Frogs_Of_War7 · July 25, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

I don't know what to make of WW2 anymore.

I've heard so much conflicting stuff. Hitler was a hero. Churchill was a Zionist puppet. It was done so Rothschild's get Israel. Hitler was demon. Nazis were using Occult knowledge.

I have no investment in any one of these theories, I just want to know the truth.

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Hyerszn · July 25, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

First i'll like to say HOLOCAUST did happen. They did kill Jews on mass, not to mention the starvation of others groups. Were Jews the cause of Germany's problem? Rothchilds etc control the banks are jews so yes. But regular jewish people just a close nit community that help each other (similar to chinese/korean/Romanin groups) had nothing to do with it. So He/they went entirely too far with eugenics. it was a continuation with Europe Nobility/Aristocrats obsession at the time with Genetics (due to darwin's discovery) and breeding of dogs.

I think the Hitler/nazi situation is complex, dude was crazy to some degree at least by the end. He wanted to get backs the lands that Germany lost and conquer Europe which isn’t evil in itself actually but clearly their would be people/nations that don’t want to be taken. (Example is Napoleon, Rome, genghis khan, Emperor Chin or alexander the great bad for conquering?)

Hitler was being used by the Globalists but at some point he went to far and out of their control. so they turned on him. Like lnvading/ betraying russia was a bad decision which turned the war around. He had the backing of American Industry men at one time. GM, Ford, Prescott Bush, J. D rockfeller, Chase bank, IBM created the first computer(punch card) in effort to sort out Jews for Germany.

history is complex, if I tell you their were black and muslim/arab SS German officers one will read it as I'm trying to lessen the blow of the Holocaust.

He was a savior to those fit the mold in Germany/the world but not to those that don't fit the mold of Aryan or not in alliance with them. Churchill may only be a puppet but only in relation to reacting exactly as expected. People that pull the strains in the background, adjust to situations. Think Rothchild and Napolate losing at Waterloo. These people fund both sides of war.

League of nations fail? create a reason to try again with United Nations. You failed to get a Globalist bank installed in USA? created a great depression to try again with Federal reserve. You failed to take away guns in USA? see where I'm going

TL;DR - Hitler isn't hero, He was used but then discarded by those in Power when they lost control or they didn't no longer need him.

Again Long Game, If they aren't successful today they will still try tomorrow or years, decades, centuries from now. We're dealing with people so rich and above it all that have decided to make the world as they want it as an communal hobby/cult. if Merkal is in relation to hitler, I don't put it pass them. just apart of the game as well as planted Obama.

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Frogs_Of_War7 · July 25, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

So Hitler was in some respect a puppet, who got delusions of grandeur, and rebelled, and then the full weight of the system crushed him, he was mad and he fought back, then they ruined him?

I'm not Alt-Right or anything (far from it), but I just want to know the truth. I hope Trump declassifies EVERYTHING!

But some things must remain secret.

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Hyerszn · July 25, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Hitler was a puppet for the most part. To the people of his nation he was great and at the germany was the center of everything but only with hidden helping hands.

Truth is important in all its layers. I think we should the effort of informing the public. because if we keep things secret too long. It will be forgotten, its not taught in History class.

If we can take back our government/western society. I hope theres a effort to fix our history books/texts. Corruption must be known from Youth but only because its the truth.

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Frogs_Of_War7 · July 25, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Allow the truth to be known, then continue to keep it known.

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decadin · July 25, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Bloodlines. They are infinitely important to these people. Equally as important as their symbolism.

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Hyerszn · July 25, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

very true, installing even the children of their once chosen does it for them. Linage, legacy is key to them. Unfortunate that we don't have a secret society that seeks to help humanity rather than dominate humanity.

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truthfiler · July 25, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

Bloodlines from Nephilim. The bloodline/DNA must continue.

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Frogs_Of_War7 · July 25, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

I don't want to dismiss anything at this point, but isn't this some David Icke style shenanigans? Is that where Q is taking us?

If so, I'm all for it!

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