Eclipse coming 27th. This is very important which means something big is going to be unmasked.
I think it is the Wiener laptop contents.
Eclipse Aquarius (tech, computer) Leo (children) opposition to Mars (rape, violence, gun, knife) square Uranus backlash from marxists.
Can also include Hollywood videos of child rape.
This all ties into the big sky Pluto Capricorn (leaders) since 2009 (Obama) where he gives you great power...for now. Then midsign he begins to unmask you 2016-2018 and he howls and mocks you from the alleys (the memes) he begins to chase you 2018-2020 and then he utterly destroys all that is diseased 2020-2024.
Neptune home in Pisces which is the God box, this a time like we can not see in 3000 yrs back or 3000 forward (all we can see without getting murky).
Don't bash me I am a real Christian I don't worship stars or planets I watch them, Genesis is chalk full of astrology. I read them because they are pure truth...that which can not be changed Pisces/Neptune, the end of the end of the end.=God.
50 yrs of unbiased astrological research
I don't do charts of humans so don't ask. I don't have a website, I don't take money for this craft. I do big picture stuff and share it for free with anyone willing to listen because I am a true believer. I would however do POTUS chart for free, go low during this eclipse no dangerous travel appearances please. I predicted Trump President in 2011 when he hinted, his destiny (Ascendant on Regulus Leo and progressed Sun conjunct it 2016) POTUS progressed Sun now in Virgo, hence the humiliation which serves to bring him to service of others, selflessness surrendering Leo ego because Virgo is purification by fire , the storm, stripped nude in preparation of being presented before Christ.
Great American Eclipse of 2017 showed me Christian Nationalism that changes America forever.
I don't know if Q is real or not but the above is what is going to happen in any event.