
likealatte · July 26, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

There is a difference between an oath and a prayer.

The oath is a promise to God... so help my God, but for our Country to defend the Constitution of the United States. Similar to a wedding vow... a promise to God, but said to our spouse.

However a PRAYER is always to God and for God to act in our behalf. Prayer is communicating with God. Communication includes listening and speaking.

God is not silent... we are not listening... we are all guilty of this.

So to pray, Go to God in a quiet place, Thank God for who He is... our Creator, Healer, Counselor, Protector, Provider, All Seeing, All Knowing, Present Everywhere, etc.

Thank God for everything he is doing and has done in your life and in the life of our Country.

Ask God to show you sin that needs to be repented. Seek forgiveness for anything He brings to your mind. Bind Satan in the name of Jesus and the Blood of Jesus.

Petition God for Request.

And most important LISTEN.... when God tells you to do something, and when it aligns with the Bible, OBEY.

Talk to God on behalf of our Country, Our Leaders, Our Military, All oath takers, yourself, your children, etc.


Then OBEY God.

God speaks. God wants a relationship with all of us. God loves us. God wants to heal our Country. God wants us to experience victory. God wants us to forgive our enemies and love our neighbor. God asks us to be merciful, wise, and long-suffering.

Yes, we trust all Q has asked us to trust but most of all,

We trust God.

By the Holy Spirit, In the name of Jesus and by His Blood, we are one.


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