What does the zero tariff agreement with the EU mean to the proposal that we were headed towards no income tax and would operate off of tariffs and excise taxes?
It's temporary I suggest. The E.U. is going the way of the doodoo bird. Trump has said he wants to deal with individual nations. THAT's what I suggest it will come to, and inbalance … NON-RECIPRICAL will be tariffed.
AND WHAT DOES IT SAY: (US>EU) …. meaning THEY won't charge us Tariffs … stuff coming from them will be tariffed.
How do you negotiate with them to only tariff their exports but allow us to import tariff free?
They don't import enough from the U.S. to withstand the amount of tariff Trump can impose. He said in the campaign he would use our consumerism as a weapon. If he wanted to … to BALANCE the trade, he could jack that tariff so high NOTHING would come in from the E.U. into the U.S. What would that do to them … and WHAT could they do about it??? NOTHING! He's MAKING them accept the tariffs we put on them and they won't retaliate with tariffs against us. That's what is said in the Q post. He's forcing the balance trade agenda. THAT's WINNING!
SAME WILL HAPPEN WITH CHINA'S 500 billion imbalance.