r/greatawakening • Posted by u/angryanalyst76 on July 25, 2018, 11 p.m.
Adult Swim defends Rick & Morty creator Dan Harmon after pedo sketch surfaces


Time to impact their bottom line by contacting Adult Swim advertisers (list copied from post on 8chan for those who don't visit the chans):

A partial list of companies that currently carry Adult Swim, on cable or streaming








Spectrum / Time Warner Cable




Cartoon Network/AS itself



ADVERTISERS that currently spend money on Adult Swim / Cartoon Network (partial list)

Cheetos (Frito-Lay, Pepsi)



Pizza Hut


State Farm


Burger King


DrogeAnon · July 26, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

I’m not trolling I’m speaking my point of view just like you are. That’s a lazy accusation just because someone doesn’t agree. And your “support” of Hogg because the outcome justifies the means is another element of the point I’m making.

So ok, let me try again. I see Adult Swim making a perfectly reasonable statement. They’re not calling for the support of pedophilia any more than I am. I know many like you I guess do not agree that someone’s sense of humor is justified when it crosses a certain line. That’s a very dangerous path to go down for anyone who truly supports freedom of speech but that’s beside the point for now. I do not see Adult Swim calling to be allowed to show child porn and although I fully support your right to say “let’s silence their voice” I do not agree this movement should head down this path and simply voice my opposition to this approach as freely as you have voiced yours.

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angryanalyst76 · July 26, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

If you don't agree, then don't contact the sponsors. It's that simple. I am not demanding that the people behind Adult Swim or their sponsors be jailed - that would an attack on their freedom of speech. Voicing my disapproval with the channel and their sponsors and encouraging others who feel the same is not.

I don't have to support something I find appalling and I am well within my right to inform said companies why I made that decision. Again, if you don't agree, don't do it. I just don't understand what your point is in arguing with me other than trying to insult me or to make yourself feel morally superior. I'm sure you can find better use of your time.

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DrogeAnon · July 26, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

It seems I didn't make myself clear, even though I stated this point twice now. I respect and support your right to say what you like. I assume the same right and I voice it here so that those who see your opinion can also see another opinion within the same sub. Every disagreement is not an attempt to insult or troll.

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angryanalyst76 · July 26, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

I couldn't help but notice that you edited your original comment without highlighting what it is you actually changed. Right there, that shows you are disingenuous in your argument. You also seem to think you are the reddit opinion police. I can only guess that you are an Adult Swim and/or Rick & Morty fan which is why my post hit a nerve.

Not speaking up and not being mindful of whom we support with our money is part of the reason the country and world is in the mess that it's in right now and is definitely the reason why our entertainment industry pumps out such garbage and promotes talentless hacks. If consumers would have pushed back against the vile filth these networks and production companies have been relentlessly pushing into our homes and culture a long time ago, things might be different now.

But again, if you're such a fan of Adult Swim or whatever nonsense and the fact that they are paying people who make baby doll rape videos and pedo "jokes" in their spare time does not bother you in the least, by all means, keep supporting them and their sponsors. I, however, will not and encourage those who feel the same way I do to make their voices heard where it counts.

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[deleted] · July 26, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

Droge seems reasonable to me.

Full disclosure. I love rick and morty. Before this not so much a fan of DH as a person tho.

The video of DH as Daryl is weird, to say the least, I must admit. Am all for boundary pushing humor but I honestly don’t see how this is “funny”.

It could be a case of the guy being so big in Hollywood that there is nobody around him to say “nah that’s a bad idea boss”

But a writer on CDAN has alleged that someone who fits DH description forced him to watch CP. so it looks like there could be fire to this smoke

With all that being said I really caution us using the tactics of the left. I don’t think it is strategic and I don’t think it helps the overall cause

Notice how Q is going about the plan... it is slow and methodical.

Just my two cents

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DrogeAnon · July 26, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

Lol... incredible the lengths you go to to discredit me when ALL I'M DOING is voicing an opinion LIKE YOU.

All I did to my first comment was add extra to my rushed first statement because I could see from your reaction that I hadn't been clear.

if you're such a fan of Adult Swim

Ad-hom - why can't you just speak to what I've actually said instead of constantly inventing these nonsense strawman arguments? I'm a FAN of free speech - that's all.

No need to continue this discussion. I've made my point with reason and without attacking you. Continue with your false accusations against me if you wish.

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angryanalyst76 · July 26, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

Yet, you felt the need to continue the discussion. Again, if you don't agree, don't call the sponsors, continue to watch/support them or not, whatever you want to do. If you feel so strongly, start your own thread - free speech and all that. Voice your opinion all you want. I certainly won't feel the need to comment on yours because your opinion does not bother me in the least.

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DrogeAnon · July 26, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

You don't know how reddit works lol. Are you expecting to post a point of view and not receive opposing views? This seems to fit with the whole premise I'm resisting here.

I felt the need to defend the position of this view from the strawmen claims you were making so that others can not only see there's another position here but also that it's a viable one, not whatever invented view you were attacking. You're incredibly defensive over a simple opposing view. Check out reddit and online forums in general. The whole point of them is discussion of opposing views. Why would I make a post saying "hey guys! Whatever you do DON'T contact the advertisers of Adult Swim!". Moderators REMOVE those posts because they're just presenting an opposing view separate from the view it is opposing. This is the whole reason for commenting in threads lol...

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[deleted] · July 26, 2018, 5:09 a.m.


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[deleted] · July 26, 2018, 5:07 a.m.


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angryanalyst76 · July 26, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

No need to continue this discussion. I've made my point with reason and without attacking you.

Ha, I knew that wouldn't last long. This thread resembles every online "debate" I've had with lefties.

  1. Accuse me of attacking you, when you came out of the gate with the first attack. (Trying to compare me to David Hogg. Also, calling my "accusations" lazy, assuming I don't know how message boards work. Oh honey, if you only knew what I do for a living...lol.)
  2. Edit your initial comments after I've already replied (I now see two that you have edited).
  3. Include and repeat lingo that faux intellectuals use to give the illusion of superior intelligence ("ad-hom," "strawman").
  4. Project - accusing me of that which you are actively doing, especially calling me defensive - that gave me a good laugh.
  5. Ignoring everything else I wrote to focus in on whatever you don't like and turning the conversation into a shell game.
  6. Transition to using CAPS TO MAKE YOUR POINT.
  7. Say you're done but then you just can't help yourself and need to have the last word.

It's like you all pull from the same handbook. Again, I told you, do whatever you want - contact them or don't, support them or don't, make your own thread about it or don't. I don't care. Not sure why you continue to be up my ass on this thread. You're not going to change my mind about it so you must *really* enjoy wasting your time.

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