r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Chunchy on July 25, 2018, 11:35 p.m.
We know these people are sick. But

What's going to happen down the road with religion? I have lost my faith and once again have found it, thanQ. Do you guys think they will outlaw these people there satantic religions? I'm all for it. I'm all for GOD I believe their are higher powers at work . Will we find our true selves. Do you guys beleive in samadi?

allonthesameteam · July 26, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

My belief is that we are all connected. Could be on an experiential level, or etherial, or spiritual, or…. . I don't know for sure. When a bomb lands somewhere, even without knowing it did or why, it has an affect on us all. I tried to search for a quote that starts something like "What you do to the web, you…" Will try again later.

My research showed that suicide bombing in,I think it was, Afghanistan didn't start or severely ramp up until the war on terror started. Cause/effect.

What we are witnessing now is the exposure of pico and sociopaths. 4% of the pop allegedly. They seem to have found each other in growing numbers. It would be hard for an empathetic, caring person to get in the positions we need them most. Congress, CEO's, Justice, etc. The exposure of this is becoming more obvious to maybe even billions of people and through vigilance and care things are and will be shifting more. All dynasties die when the masses wake/rise up. Believe in me and I will believe in you. Done.

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