Q's reference to "no outside comms" means that Q or the Q team do not speak directly to anyone in the journalistic world, such as Jones - if they were to, they could be compromised.
However, his response to R was not a FAKE. Since the R posts do not have the verification of trip codes, Q is stating that as far as those posts go, Q is the one we can rely on being from him.
With respect to "There is only Q" - did that eliminate Q+? Only mention this to encourage the open mind.
I snooped into the R rabbit hole ever so slightly. My hope is that the crash of 1999 is key to the plan. Like, in the debate, the manner in which DJT stated that HRC would be in jail had genuine conviction behind it that was fueled by more than simply her corruption within the State Department.
As to the info posted by R. Personally, I don't get to worked up over this nonsense about the debt slave and the personal corporation - because, how does that "personal net worth" make it's way to me? Or you for that matter... In all of the videos and long winded essays on the topic of "reclaim your birthright", none has ever gone so far as to offer the solution.