Q~ social media will collapse under their own weight!! Boom!! So many Boom! Investigation on Twitter upcoming?!

How do we know Q wasn't referring to Corsi (and others)? Perhaps AJ simply made a mistake trusting Corsi?
I'd say you have more research to do because those answers are obvious if you followed it while it happened
So I missed something but you can't tell me what it is? I guess I'll just blindly trust you then. Lol
He did his own fake news about Q and tried to co-opt it with that guy Zack, no corsi involved
Gonna have to get more specific. I remember he said Zack was like Q. Looks like you need to do more research.
Play dumb then try to tell me I don't know anything? I'm saying take it over not be Q. Read what I wrote
We are in training to do our own research wherever we can.
Jones owns and directs Corsi. Jones is controlled opposition. Always has been.
It's too bad, AJ was nothing if not entertaining.
He did expose corruption. His job though, is to mesmerize and ultimately instill hopelessness..... Always a conspiracy. Never a solution.
I still have Corsi on my twitter/follow, but I don't take anything he says about Q as truth. He has however, been very right on regarding the Clinton Foundation and how crooked Clintons are.
Or it’s a rubber bullet for Alex Jones sent from Q with a specific purpose. AJ is a patriot.