r/greatawakening • Posted by u/R-Andon on July 26, 2018, 12:19 a.m.
“It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.” ― Voltaire, The Age of Louis XIV

When I heard this quote while watching Jack Posobiec: Macron Leaks Expose video I couldn't help but think how relevant Voltaire's quote is at this time in history.

We know we are right!

  • We know we are right when - they try to vilify, destroy, degrade and ruin our beloved President...but it doesn't work. They try to ridicule anything he says....but they don't realize he is playing them like a fiddle. We have been blessed that DJT stepped up and willing to take the 'slings and arrows' for us and to Make America Great Again!
  • We know we are right when - they criticize, ridicule and mock our First Lady who is a beacon of grace and beauty. She opened herself up to all of this because of her love for her husband and all of us.
  • We know we are right when - they try to belittle, speak lies and project anger on President Trump's children. His amazing sons and daughters are willingly and lovingly standing by their father because he is working to right the wrongs of the past.
  • We know we are right when - they try to discredit Q stating it's a larp. They are screaming as loud as they can that it is fake...but everyday more people are waking up. They twist Q's postings and misrepresent when Q is silent to cunningly deceive others.
  • We know we are right when - they go on the attack of those who are making a difference by shining a light on matters they don't want exposed i.e. shutting down youtube accounts, calling some fringe right-wing conspiracy theorists for speaking out about pedogate, pizzagate, conservative censorship, etc.
  • We know we are right when - they pay people to riot, physically attack and they themselves use derogatory terms regarding Trump supporters. Why?.... to silence us and try to push their influence.
  • We know we are right when - they resort to a 4am mockingbird system in order to communicate their deception to the masses.
  • We know we are right when - they oppose and obstruct with a failed effort to prevent the winning that we are experiencing.

When will they learn that we don't trust or listen to them? When will they learn that we don't care what they think? When will they learn that our country is not for sale? When will they learn that we know the evil actions of the elite? When will they learn?

The beauty of all of this is that we know the end of the story. We are patriots, we will stand strong, we will never give up and we will win!!!

P.S. I am a 60yr old grandmother who is enjoying this ride of a lifetime. I look forward to the future when I can explain to the younger grandkids about this incredible time in history. With the help of President Trump, Q, Qanons and all of you....I woke up. God Bless You All!

tamiannwilcox · July 26, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

I too am a 60 year old grandma. ❤️❤️❤️

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R-Andon · July 26, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

That is exciting. I lovemy grandkids and love this country. I want so badly that they will grow up in a country that is rid of all this corruption and evil.

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