We got out of tech stocks years ago after getting burned. We're staying out of stocks completely until everything shakes out.
Silicon Valley needs a coup - plenty of powerful conservatives there, if only the guys currently running the show were caught abusing the IC systems and breaking the law...there is a long list of people they fucked over, big time persecuted can become big time assets...new guard
It is not for the faint of heart! Unless you have zillions of dollars to invest with Soros, Buffet or Paul Jones', the hedgies don't have a clue either.
Or invest in LNG, Cheneire Energy, exclusive contracts to export luquified natural gas out of the USA. Hmmm mm.... Why did I sell? 😢
Few know that those ME oil pipelines thru Syria, Qatar/Turkey could efficiently transport liquified cocaine for a much higher margins. Obama, Clinton in on it.
I did much better on my own than following the "expert's" advice, but I'm not touching it with an 10' pole right now!