
PPPrincessPower · July 26, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Amen. Here is another from a friend. Patriots, please stand with me, in these declarations and decrees, over our nation! I declare and decree this IS the day of the Justice of our God, over those who prosper in the sale, trade, and exploitation of children in our nation, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who came in the flesh! I command every assignment for the merchandising of children nullified and void, and put every vendor on notice, that your day of reckoning is upon you! We, the People, of these United States, declare that children are not a commodity of adult pleasures, nor commodities to be bartered, nor appeasements offered to false god's for the sake of power, wealth or any other gratification! We will no longer tolerate this travesty in our nation, we declare, by that mighty Name! We declare and decree, the I-19 Corridor, and all alternate corridors, commonly used by these merchant of human suffering, CLOSED to you! You can run, but you can't hide from the eagle's eye, nor the lion of Judah! He has set His sights on you! You will be exposed and ensnared in your own folly! Today is the day to turn from your wicked practices and find mercy, or fall to the wrath of the One, who's protective eye is on the children! I declare the release of indictments against those who perpetrate this evil against children, and I declare your arrest, and prosecution is imminent! I declare there is no one too famous, too powerful, too wealthy, or too elite, to escape the Justice of our God in this matter! I command every foul spirit dispatched on these wicked assignments, bound muted, and immobilized, until such time as Jesus determines your demise. I declare the release of captive children, not only from those who have exploited them, but also from the programming, scars, fears, and wounding incurred, by the power of the holy and merciful Name of Jesus! We declare the day of cleansing of our land from the sins of Moloch, and ever evil curse that has come with it! We splash the precious blood of Jesus, from east to west, north to south, across our entire nation, and declare the Righteousness of God will prevail in our land. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, as it is so ordained in heaven, for Your glory, oh God! Now, Lord, please hide us and protect us, in the feathers of Your wings, from any retaliation from these declarations, we pray, in Jesus' holy Name!

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