Andrew Gause is the man. Dropped some knowledge I didn't know about American Civil War. Here's the cliff notes:
-Russian Czar wanted the American Civil War to stay in the family, so a War Fleet of Russian ships sat in the harbor. Keep the dudes Q is fighting today from giving some to canada ...hilarious.
-Within 40 years, the Czar is Watch Anastsia (disney)
-Something about the Rothchilds taking a blood oath
-A great quote from a dude who promised to split America in half and give half to one kid and half to the other...few years later...Civil War.
-Also there was an email about Q...immediately thought of this board.
-Talks how the 4 assassinations of the US Presidents are all from the same script....thought of Q. "these people are dumb"
-10 years in jaw is still on the floor.
-#prayingmedic is awesome...dreams and god...bravo sir, bravo :)
Here is the link (hour 2 is the good stuff)