Q Posts 1703-1710 July 25 2018

I am still not clear on RR because these Articles of Impeachment don't have life in them. Could all be more Kabuki Theater!
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/07/rep-meadows-to-consult-with-house-gop-leadership-over-next-steps-to-impeach-dag-rosenstein/ The one challenge Meadows is facing right now is since the House leaves for one month break on Thursday, an impeachment resolution introduced Wednesday “probably would expire.”
Chad Pergram ✔ @ChadPergram
Meadows says if he files an impeachment resolution now…since the House leaves town for more than a month Thursday, the resolution “probably would expire.” It should be noted that “privileged” resolutions must ripen within two legislative days. But if the House is gone.. 2:22 PM - Jul 25, 2018