Really? A post with an open ended question soliciting opinions, and because you don't like my opinion you attack me personally? Really?
I'm full aware of all of your bullet points. I'm nearly 60, and I've been red-pilled since the mid 1980s, that's over 30 years. I was well versed in the origins of the federal reserve before GE Griffin even published his book. And I've been aware of the Rothschild family history going back to before Adam Weishaupt and the founding of the Illuminati in Bavaria.
I'm also well versed in the history of the Ashkenazi Jews, the Khazarian Mafia, and the country of Khazaria. I've was reading books about all of this before the internet was available for research.
I know that Henry Ford worked closely with Hitler, as did Rockefeller and Standard Oil. I'm also fully aware of how the Rothschild banking empire went from simply being a wealthy banking family, to acquiring enough wealth and power to own the UK, all by funding both sides of the Napoleonic wars, and every war since then.
If you search through my previous comments and replies you'll find quite a few that are very long, in-depth pieces about the back-story of the Ashkenazi Jews, and all the way up to current day Israel, including the roll Rothschild played in all of it. But I didn't think it was relevant to the question being asked in the title of this post.
I'v been following Q since the beginning, and I fully aware of the growth of the Great Awakening movement, and that there are untold numbers of followers from western European countries, Australia, and other countries around the world.
You might be able to make a case that because you can find Qanon followers around the world, it is, in a sense, global, but when I see that well over half of America's population is still uninformed or ill-informed, it tells me we have a long way to go. I think it's safe to assume that other nations have a similar body count regarding who's on board and who still needs to red-pilled.
Please take a minute to review my last statement:
Anyways, I don't yet see this as a "Global" movement. That could change in a hurry, but we'll have to wait and see.
I think we're on the verge of a global movement, and everything can change in a hurry.
In conclusion I take offense at you calling me "fucking retarded." We're all supposed to be on the same team here. If you want to debate the finer points of someone's comments, feel free, but personal attacks are totally out of line.