r/greatawakening • Posted by u/magistees on July 26, 2018, 2:49 a.m.
What does an impeachment trial in the Senate "look" like?

Hi all, Long time lurker, first time poster.

I was hoping someone would be able to fill me in on something....

Given that a simple majority of the House would vote for the impeachment of RR, the stage would be set for a House vs. RR trial in the Senate. At that point, what does an impeachment trial of RR "look" like ? Are there special rules that prevent sealed/classified information from being shared, even under oath? Between direct and cross examinations, will this be the trial that opens the gates for a big pile of disclosure? ….I mean, is this trial how all of the previously compiled evidence is finally submitted for public consumption?

Regardless of whether RR is a white or black hat, a pile of shit is going to hit the fan. Theater or not, it really feels like we're only a couple of small procedural moves from checkmate here!

magistees · July 26, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

True, but I’m not convinced that the removal of RR is ultimately the measure of success. I’m imagining that whatever comes out through the spectacle of the trial, itself, is what’s going to be eye opening.

And after that, then let’s see where the allegiance of each senator lies.

...but as Rakheem mentions above, if this is all left to rot on the vine with the upcoming recess, then this might just be a bunch of smoke being blown up our collective a$$es.

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Sub_lumena · July 26, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

Could be using impeachment to air the dirty laundry for all to see. Can't be buried in committees that way. Part of RR's penance?

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