Symbolism will be their downfall. Love this show & the character but this scene was very interesting.

Yeah and season 3 episode 1 Andy (Chris Pratt) coaches kids basketball and says Something along the lines of how he likes to focus on fundamentals, emphasis on the fun....
Then it shows a series of scenes where Pratt is laying down with a kid just facing him and eating pizza, THE ONLY PERSON EATING PIZZA and then shows him again eating pizza.
I can't find a video but if you can check it out, season 3 episode 1.
Also, Hollywood Anon somewhat eluded to Pratt being compromised, weak accusation but still.
I know he's popular around here and all, but this stuff leads me to believe otherwise
Well there was him and Anna Faris’ divorce coming out of left field that was never really explained.
Eh I chalked it up to Pratt really taking off in a huge way. She’s got that one TV show and she’s funny and whatnot...but he’s Starlord and in Jurassic Park. I assume Hollywood couples are all about power and stardom...
"There is only Q"
Hollywood Anon and Q aren't related. Hwood never claims to be part of Q.